Name: Anais Vairemont nee Desrosiers
Age: 30 as of ARR
Birthdate: 5th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Birthplace: Ishgard
Deity: Azeyma
Combat: all-rounder
DoL/H: omni

Father: Ailwin Desrosiers (deceased)
Mother: Emillia Desrosiers
Husband: Leodaire Vairemont (deceased)
Mother in law: Noalle Vairemont
Son: Cillien Vairemont (aged roughly 5 as of ARR, 10 as of EW)
Daughter: Alsenne (born during STB patches)(her father is Carvallian)

Anaelle Desrosiers was born to Ailwin and Emillia on blustery winter day in Ishgard.Ailwin’s father Godric had elevated the family to some low level of nobility some 30 odd years before her birth with his defeat of a wyrm that had been laying waste to the fields in the highlands. While this came with a raise in station and no small amount of gold, it was not enough to ensure the family’s security for generations. Thus the family maintained its roots in trade. The small fortune ensured that Ailwin could obtain a good apprenticeship in a field of his choosing. Ailwin had a love for making beautiful things and began apprenticing under a sought after goldsmith.Emillia was the slightly spoiled, youngest daughter of a slightly older noble family. She had a sharp eye for quality and Ailwin’s work caught her eye fairly early in his career. When she arranged to meet him to commission work she was also caught by her impression of him. A kind, stable, talented man with nowhere to go but up. She decided in no short order that she wanted him. And what Emillia wanted, she usually got.They were married in fairly short order, with her eye for detail and connections and his skill, they soon were one of the most sought after jewelry smiths in Ishgard. After several years of marriage they had Anaelle. Despite her parents trying for more children in the years following her birth, Anaelle remained an only child.A happy baby by all accounts, Anaelle had her mother’s red hair and her father’s green eyes. As she grew she was regarded as a good sort of girl, “very pretty, she will make an excellent match one day.”As the family’s star rose they came to the attention of the high houses. They were primarily commissioned by House Haillenarte, but served any of the high houses as not to offend.As she grew, Anaelle became familiar with the children of the high houses. Not friends as such, she was not high enough in status and a hyur as well, but good enough acquaintances to stop and speak with her when on errands or outings. (There were periods of times after she reached the age of 11 when one or the other of the boys, especially the slightly older ones, would stop speaking with her, on account that she had grown taller than them).So life continued until around the time Anaelle reached 15 years of age. Anaelle had come early to her adult height and figure and had, as expected, grown into a very comely young woman. When accompanying her parents to deliver a commission for House Dzemael, an older, married member of the family took notice of the girl.Anaelle’s parents started noticing this member of House Dzemael hanging around the areas they and Anaelle frequented. After some careful asking around, they were alarmed to discover this man’s near obsession with their daughter. Knowing they didn’t have the power to keep him away forever, and with a resurgence of violence in Ishgards war with dragonkind, Anaelle’s parents used their connections with House Haillenarte to leave Ishgard knowing Ishgard’s increased cultural isolation would prevent a major search for them. While the head of House Haillenarte was upset to lose their favorite goldsmith, they recognized the trouble the family was in and sent along letters of recommendation to help ease their way.They were headed for Ul-dah and its well respected goldsmith guild. But first they broke their travel in Gridania, to make connections with the merchants there as well as set up a line of communication back to Coerthas for the family.As they were preparing to leave the main city, they were approached by a half-grown Duskwright lad. He declared boldly that there was no future for him in Gridania and if the Desrosiers took him along, he’d make sure they’d reach their destination safely and would serve however the family needed him.Emillia and Ailwin questioned the boy intensely. He was newly 18. He was sick of being seen as a lazy, no account, future criminal just because he was a Duskie. He was leaving Gridania with or without them, but with them was safer for all parties. He had some skill with a bow, was a fair botanist, and knew the lay of the land ahead of them. And, yes, he’d left a note for his family.And thus was Leodaire Vairemont introduced to Anaelle Desrosiers.By the time the party reached Ul’dah, Leodaire was firmly held within the family's embrace. To make the time traveling pass more quickly, the two teenagers were given small projects. Ana a detailed embroidery project, Leodaire a small starting goldsmith task. Ailwin saw promise in the young man’s work and declared his intention to take Leodaire as an apprentice. He was not to serve the family, but work alongside them as a trusted friend.Over the next 10 years, the Desrosiers established themselves amongst the goldsmiths guild and the weavers guild (Emillia, it turned out, was an extremely talented seamstress). During this time, Leodaire and Anaelle’s friendship blossomed into a romance.Five years after their arrival in Ul’dah, the young couple expressed their desire to marry. While Ailwin was supportive of their relationship (anything that made Ana happy), he required that Leodaire complete a master crafts work before he’d allow them to marry. It took Leodaire the better part of 2 years to complete his masterwork. They were married within the next year.The next few years passed quickly. But beyond he safety of the Desrosiers-Vairemont family circle, tensions grew. Rumors of movements behind the borders of the Garlean controlled territory brought the threat of war. Leodaire and Ailwin picked up sword and shield, to better protect their family. Especially when after several years of marriage, Anaelle announced that she was with child.Near the end of Ana’s pregnancy, the Star fell to hell. The Garlean’s had called down the lesser moon in a move meant to destroy Eorzea. A mere week after the birth of their son, Cillien, Leodaire and her father were sent off to the fields of Carteneau to defend the group trying to stop the moon’s descent. Ultimately Eorzea was saved, but Leodaire and Ailwin never returned.Ana was distraught. 25 years old with a newborn. Suddenly husbandless and fatherless. Emillia was in only a slight better shape.Knowing that Leodaire had left correspondence for his mother in fear of falling in battle, Emillia posted the letter back to Gridania. Within a month a tall, Duskwright matron appeared at their door. Noalle Vairemont took one look at what was left of the family and, upon seeing her son’s eyes in the face of his son, declared her intention to stay and help raise her grandson to be an upstanding member of society, much like her son had obviously become.So the family slowly healed over the next few years. When Anaelle discovered a talent for healing, it was Noalle who cautiously suggested that she look into Conjuring. “I may not agree with all that elementals nonsense, but they do make great healers”Thus Anaelle packed her bags, kissed her son goodbye, and, with a promise to write and visit when she could, made her way into a wider world.

RP hooks
- Anaelle is a widowed mother. Her late husband died in the Calamity, her son is roughly 5-6 years old.
- Ana was raised a member of Ishgard’s lower nobility (G’pa killed a dragon) she was passing familiar with the child versions of many Ishgard’s higherborn NPCs (whether or not they remember recognize her is definitely up for discussion)
-The family fled Ishgard when a married, higher born Noble took unsavory interest in Ana, about the time the Dragonsong War started heating back up. They ended up in Ul-dah.
-She is mainly into Elezen.
-I’m open to developing RP relationships, but I’m pretty new to RP and need to take it slow. Not particularly interested in ERP, but won’t rule it out with the right scene partner